08. September 2020

Making sure a Firefox add-on is safe

A big problem with installing a Firefox add-on or Chrome extension is that you have no idea what it does.

You only know what it says it does, and you know what permissions you grant it, but the permissions are broad. A lot of add-ons require “Access data for all websites” in order to work. The add-on could be doing anything with that data.


30. July 2020

Miscellaneous Findings III: Unix text tricks

For this round of Miscellaneous Findings, we have a bunch of ways to mess with text. They all use tools that come with Unix, so they should work without having to install extra junk, if you are working on a Unix-based OS. The last finding, using regexes in sed, I found particularly useful for converting hundreds of JS files that used CommonJS (e.g. var something = require('something')) to use ES Modules (import something from 'something')

This is a roundup of miscellaneous things that I’ve found out about (or have rediscovered).
